How to unlock the Mystical Leap ability

Gotham Knights features an expansive rendition of Gotham City to explore. As such, regardless of whether players pick Robin, Red Hood, Batgirl, or Nightwing, they will need a robust traversal mechanic to help them get to crime scenes faster. In the case of Red Hood, the red-masked anti-hero can use the Mystical Leap ability to hop in the air without touching the ground.

Unfortunately, players will have to work to obtain this ability as it is locked behind the Knighthood challenge. This guide explains how you can unlock the Mystical Leap ability for Red Hood in Gotham Knights.

Mystical Leap channels Red Hood's own spirit energy for movement in Gotham Knights

It all begins with talking to Alfred at the Belfry base of operations in Mission 1.3: Weird Science, which occurs soon after players finish their first patrol post character selection.

They will then receive a prompt for the Knighthood challenge. It will see them engaging in a bunch of predefined activities to unlock traversal options (called Heroic Traversal), each of which is unique to the four playable character options.

The following criteria need to be met before players can be rewarded with the Mystical Leap ability for Red Hood:

  • Complete Timed Strike training
  • Stop 10 Premeditated Crimes
  • Defeat 3 mini-bosses

Timed Strikes are straightforward endeavors in Gotham Knights. It is a simple matter of practicing it from the Advanced Training option in Belfry's training dummy area. While it may be tricky for new players at first, undertaking it is the least bothersome trial and can be completed quickly too.

Minibosses are not much of a problem either. They can spawn amidst mobs in Gotham Knight's overworld and will require some strategy to take down.

The most grating segment is hunting down Premeditated Crimes. These need to first be unlocked by collecting clues from fallen foes around the map. The information is then fed to the computer at Belfry to populate the map with these Premeditated Crimes during the next night's patrol.

At the end of the day, though, players should expect to spend a decent amount of time beating up thugs to progress.

These activities may not sound like much at first, but fatigue can quickly set in once they realize that each playable character has their own Knighthood challenge. This means that they will have to complete these tasks a total of four times for each character to unlock their respective Heroic Traversal option, which equates to 40 Premeditated Crimes and 12 mini-bosses in total.

As such, it is best to disperse each member's playtime over the course of the main story. However, considering many cool combat abilities and skills are also locked behind these traversal options, players are left with no choice but to try to unlock them as soon as possible.

Given the co-op nature of Gotham Knights, players might be able to mitigate these grievances to an extent by teaming up with a buddy. The game allows seamless co-op for up to two players after all.

Gotham Knights is available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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