EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Veronica Fusaro

Veronica Fusaro is a compelling singer/songwriter whose latest single ‘Venom’ combines a variety of musical genres including jazz, and hip/hop to create a truly unique sound. The track focuses on doomed relationships and Fusaro’s vocals are powerful and emotive.

Here we speak exclusively to Veronica Fusaro about her new release:

Your new single ‘Venom’ tackles doomed relationships, does this come from a personal place?

Yes. I usually talk about things that actually happened to me in my songs. At times I enjoy exaggerating, use some more colours to paint out the details, which is a fun thing to do. Sometimes I mix up various situations, but the one thing they have in common is, that they’re all things/ moments that won’t stop tormenting my head.  

What made you want to share this story with the world?

That’s a good question… sometimes I think about the concept of creating something, and then sharing it with somebody. Why do we do that? Maybe it’s about finding resonance, finding somebody else who likes it and connects to it just like you do. I guess I have a story that I want to share with the world, in hope that somebody will listen and eventually even connect to it.

How did you approach the writing sessions for Venom?

It was one of my first writing session I did with other writers. Therefore, I was very excited to meet the other two writers, which turned out to be Betty Dittrich and Fritz Michallik, two super cool humans. Fritz played us the sketch of the beat that he had, and the moment I heard that Rhodes sound I knew that this would turn out really cool. It had a very strong attitude to me already. So it all came very naturally from there – the Verse, the Chorus, the topic and so on.

It has mixed genres running throughout, was that a conscious decision or did it happen naturally?

It all happened very naturally. I try not to think about genres and schemes when it comes to writing music for me.

What do you hope fans take from the track?

I hope it makes them feel self-empowered. I hope it gives them that kick of self-confidence that I get whenever I listen to the chorus.

Do you plan on releasing a music video for the single?

We are currently planning a couple of things, gathering some ideas and putting down some sketches… The song is already very picturesque to me, it’s almost screaming for a video to it.

Do you have any plans to release an album on the back of this release?

I’m always working on new music, and I have yet to put out my debut album… stay tuned is all I can say ;)

Make sure you follow Veronica on Twitter @fusaroveronica to keep up to date with all her latest music and tour news!

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